The aim of this project is to integrate education with the
concept of European citizenship promoted this year in ETwinning 2013 annual congress and to analyze the
characteristics of the inhabitants of the city (students from a school in the city) and those of rural residents (students from a
school in the rural area) in each country, and thus emphasize
the qualities of each other and the importance of every citizen in the common grow and development.
– Promotion of the regular use of Etwinnings to increase collaborative work and cooperation between school subjects, participating schools and countries. – Open the
chance for our students to get to know other schools and cultures in Europa and at the same time increase their understanding for diversity. – Prepare our students for the EU global culture in the future, specially focusing on the advantages of learning a foreign language and the posibilities of widening communications. – We want to have a wide range of participants from many countries.
Países participantes: Italia, Noruega, Islandia, Países Bajos, Suecia, Portugal, Turquía y
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